This policy is designed to assist employees in reporting expenses incurred while conducting Techvantage Systems business activities.

Techvantage Systems expects employees to act responsibly and professionally when incurring and submitting costs. The organization will reimburse employees for reasonable expenses on pre-approved business. This includes, for example, travel fares, accommodations, meals, tips, telephone and fax charges, and purchases made on behalf of the organization.

Techvantage Systems does not pay for local travel to and from the office. If employees use their vehicles for business travel, mileage will be reimbursed as per the Treasury Board Guidelines and for appropriate parking fees. Techvantage Systems will not be responsible for fuel, maintenance, traffic or parking violations.


Original receipts are required for reimbursement of all expenses except for per diems. These expenses include:

  • Original boarding passes for airplane / train travel
  • Credit card receipts
  • Detailed merchant receipts

Receipts must be accompanied by a summary which outlines

  • The nature of the expense
  • The name and titles of the individuals involved
  • The purpose for the expense

Expense summaries must be submitted with receipts and approved by the Human resource person.All expenses and summaries must be submitted within 5 days to Human Resource for payment.


  • Employees are encouraged to fly coach class with the lowest available airfare for non-stop travel.
  • If a car rental is required, employees are requested to rent mid-sized or compact vehicles. Employees will be reimbursed for the fuel costs associated with renting a vehicle
  • Employees will be reimbursed for reasonable hotel accommodations. Discounted room rates should be requested at the time of room booking
  • Per Diem rates for meal and incidentals will be provided; no receipts are required. The per diem amount paid for each day of travel is set out under the Treasury Board Guidelines. Per Diem rates will not be paid where other meal arrangements are provided. For example, a luncheon included with an event
  • The following list includes examples of non-reimbursable expenses:
    • Personal travel insurance
    • Personal reading materials
    • Childcare
    • Toiletries, cosmetics, or grooming products
    • Expenses occurred by spouses, children, or relatives
    • In-room movies or video games
    • Sporting activities, shows, etc

Any questions related to the content of this policy or its interpretation should be directed to the Human resource person.